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5 simple speaking tips to help you execute every time
Do you feel your heart racing, your palms sweating and your mind going blank at just the thought of public speaking? That used to be me too! You are not alone in this feeling.
When you have a fear of public speaking you don’t need difficult techniques to optimize your speaking, you need actionable ones that actually help. This means not focusing on pausing, or removing your filler words, but going from 0 to 1.
There are 5 actionable items that will help you scale from being afraid, to getting your first public speaking repetitions in. Let’s begin.
Prepare your mind
The hardest part of public speaking is dealing with 1 million things going on at one time. You start thinking about what you have to say, the technology set up, the audience connection, if people can hear you, what people are thinking, how fast you are talking, when to move onto the next slide. This list is endless.
You will likely know from experience what the key triggers are that set you into panic mode for public speaking. Most of them will not be to do with the speaking itself, but the environmental factors. Reduce the stress on your mind by getting answers to your logistical questions before you have to speak. This is a key part of your preparation.
This will enable you to focus on two things:
- What you are going to say
- Connecting with the audience