Do more by doing less

Liam Sandford
5 min readJun 26, 2024
Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Trying to be productive is a good aspiration, but what does productivity really matter if we are not doing the right things? I have found it rare for people to question whether their productivity is based upon the tasks that will create the highest point of contribution to a goal. Individuals usually feel obligated to take part in every opportunity that is given to them, whether that be a new project at work, or an invitation to a social event. Trying to do everything can lead to making little progress on the most important things that you want to achieve.

You can do more with less by focusing on the truly meaningful things and removing the trivial from your life.

In his book ‘Essentialism’, Greg McKeown provides a road map to help you invest your time in the right activities. The book states that ‘an essentialist is driven by the idea that almost everything is noise, and that very few things are essential.’ In a world full of distraction, finding signal in the noise can be difficult. Becoming more essentialist will allow you to focus your efforts on the things that really matter.

In everything I do, I try to focus my energy on the few things that are essential, rather than every opportunity that comes my way. Becoming an essentialist, for me came with some harsh realities:

  • I had been treating every task as equal



Liam Sandford

I help ambitious people scale their impact with quiet communication • Best Selling Author of Effortless Public Speaking •