Removing negative influences

Liam Sandford
5 min readJun 26, 2024
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Are there people in your social circle who you dread spending time with, or you feel they are always trying to win the conversation? If so, the chances are, they are not good for your environment. You can make the choice to remove negative influences from your life.

Who dips from your bucket?

Let’s imagine everybody has a bucket. In every interaction, you either dip into someone’s bucket, or you add to it; and they do the same to yours. When we have a full bucket we feel good, and when it is empty we feel terrible. We have to figure out who dips into our bucket and consider stepping back from our interactions with them. This is the concept of the book ‘How Full is Your Bucket?’ by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton. Let’s take a look at a few things that result in somebody dipping into your bucket:

  • They are trying to win the conversation. It is not about a two way interaction, but instead about trying to make themselves feel superior to you
  • You only do things that they want to do — again this is very one sided
  • They always make themselves the centre of attention, and are never interesting in anything you are doing
  • You are shut down for having a differing opinion to them. They are only interested in being right, and only want to be surrounded by people who…



Liam Sandford

I help ambitious people scale their impact with quiet communication • Best Selling Author of Effortless Public Speaking •